Pang Khao

"Pang Khao" Organic Rice Paper

“Rice paper lasts indefinitely", "When I'm gone, they'll still be here." So, yes, stock up on rice paper, because these rounds, which feel almost like plastic when dry, will survive just fine in your pantry.

Great thing about rice paper rolls.

The great thing about rice paper is that they don't have to be cooked to eat and are free of oils and fats. The rolls are low in carbohydrates and offers a moderate protein content. So they may theoretically, help blood glucose levels. They are made from organic white rice or organic brown rice or organic riceberry rice with organic tapioca starch, salt and water. They can stay fresh, after rolling, for 3-5 days when kept in a sealed container in the fridge

What we have : Organic rice

It is organic rice certified organic by EU & NOP. You know that it is much more nutrious and beneficial than regular rice.

Why we care : Diet friendly

Because we are made from Organic rice flour and Organic tapioca starch, they are accepted for special dietary needs such as gluten free, vegan and vegetarian friendly.

Easy ways to cook with organic rice paper

You can prepare this anywhere!

Rice paper rolls are quick and easy to make. They are delicious and nutritious options to enjoy and are convenient for snacks and meals. They are also perfect for a light dinner.

How is rice paper used in cooking?

Rice paper is just what it sounds like… Thin translucent sheets made primarily from organic rice. Nowadays, organic tapioca starch is often mixed in to make it easier to soften and roll the sheets.

Ways to enjoy…

Place 4 prawns or your desired meat, in the center and put some mint leaves between them. Add a strip of Avocado, and some noodles on top. Then add a layer of carrots and cucumbers. You can put whatever you want inside, especially leftovers.